About the Author

I graduated high school early and traveled around the world and lived in many different places till I was in my early 30s. I met many beautiful people that shaped my soul and how I see life. I was able to drive seven different times across the Us and Canada and have been able to spend time in every state in each, Drove through Mexico and the Sierra Madres. Traveled throughout Europe, Central America, Caribbean, Taiwan, Japan, Bali, China and the Philippines.

I figured in my early 30s I should probably do adult stuff and I started a company in 2006 with a borrow van and a credit card with a $3000 limit. A few years later I met a young woman that really has become a great partner in so many ways and helped my build a life and the company. That company now makes over a million dollars yearly gross. That led to me starting a second company owning Apartment buildings with an old business partner of mine, He mentored me in owning a business and would never been able to do all this without him.

I had to great ex hippie parents from the 60s who helped foster me having a great childhood and using my imagination and just have fun being a kid. They are very supportive and loving. They helped introduce me to great old movies and many types of books like Ray Bradbury and Issac Asimov and Carl Sagen.

I know the value of books and college learning; I was the only one who decided not to go to college and many of my extended family members went on to do great things and be very successful. My Uncle oversaw Darpa and helped advance science in many ways. I decided to go another way. With support from my parents to learn about life through travel and seeing other cultures and experiencing how life is the same yet different in many places.

I’m a very long-suffering Jets, Mets, Knicks and Ranger fan.